

  • System Integration (Systemintegration av IT-baserade affärssystem), SYSTINT
  • Kravhantering av IT-system, KRAV
  • Advanced Requirements Engineering (Avancerad Kravhantering av IT-system), REQ
  • IS-styrning för e-förvaltning: krav, användning och utvärdering, GOVSYS

DSV/KTH (2006 – 2010)
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design IV1000, 6hp; course responsible.
Advanced Course for Software Developers – for Ericsson, 2G4514/OOAD.
Systemintegration med affärsystem, IV1022, 9hp; course responsible.
System Integration, SYSTINT, IV2039 (master level); course responsible.
Advanced Requirements Engineering REQ, IV2032 (master level); course responsible.

KTH/2IT (2006/2007)
Programming with SQL Servers 6B4065, 5p; course responsible.
Data warehousing for SQL Servers 6B4095, 5p; course responsible.
Methods for Optimization of SQL Servers 6B4096, 5p; course responsible.

University of Gävle (2001-2006)
IT Architecture, 302DUA, 10p; course-responsible.
Introduction to System Analysis 3DV03A, 5p; course-responsible;
System Analysis Methods 3DV01B, 5p; participating lecturer
Scientific Methods in Computer Science 3DV13B, 5p; participating lecturer
Information Systems and Internet 303DYB, 10p; course responsible.
Methods for Object-Oriented Development 3DV07C, 10p; course-responsible.
Distributed Systems Development 3DI12C, 5p; course-responsible.
Iterative System Development (course designed for Lantmäteriet, Gävle), 3p: responsible for the development and teaching of OOAD and Component-Based Development (CBD) parts.